Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Guide to Smart HVAC Control Systems

A Guide to Smart HVAC Control Systems

What is a Smart HVAC Control System? 
Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, becoming smarter and more integrated with our daily lives. This means that we can tailor things like home heating and cooling to our exact preferences and have greater control over our home environment to maximize savings. Here are some insights into smart HVAC control systems and their benefits.
This is a piece of home automation technology that allows you greater control over your home’s temperature and environment that can (depending on the unit) be tracked and adjusted via an app. With these systems, you can:
  • Measure individual room temperature
  • Utilize motion sensors to see if a room is occupied
  • Detect faults in the system and pinpoint repairs
  • Use smart vents to control airflow and adjust temperatures in individual rooms
  • Link up with your smart programmable thermostat for greater control and monitoring
  • Access analytics to track usage and suggest improvements
These control systems are ideal for new HVAC systems that are designed to be fully automated and adaptable, but they can often be installed to work with existing HVAC systems although the capabilities may then be limited.
Benefits of a Smart HVAC Control System 
Essentially, as long as you have internet access, you can control almost every detail of your home’s climate – whether you’re on the couch, at work or halfway around the world. These systems can learn your family preferences and automatically adjust to match your habits, they can automatically adjust themselves to priorities energy savings or identify areas of waste/improvement. They can also be integrated into other smart home systems like lighting, security, appliances and entertainment systems.
HVAC Systems and Air Conditioning Systems in New Jersey 
At Crosstown Plumbing Supply, we have a wide range of high-efficiency air conditioning systems, HVAC systems, dehumidifiers and ductless air conditioning systems that offer exceptional temperature control and air quality while using minimal energy. We can also put you in touch with reputable local specialists to assist with HVAC repair or air conditioner installation.
For more information on HVA systems and air conditioners in New Jersey, as well as to have any of your cooling system air questions answered, please visit our website at http://crosstownplumbing.com/

Monday, June 10, 2019

What is the Ideal Temperature For Your Air Conditioning This Summer?

What is the Ideal Temperature for Your Air Conditioning System this Summer?

The Best Temperature for Energy Savings 
Comfort is not the only factor to consider when setting your air conditioning system’s temperature during the hottest summer months – there’s the cost of your energy bill too. Here are some insights into the best setting for your air conditioning or HVAC system for the summer months.
According to energy.gov, the optimal setting to ensure comfort and energy savings is 78 degrees. By changing your thermostat by just 7-10 degrees for 8 hours a day, you can save an incredible 10% of your energy bill each year.
Here’s how to get the most savings using a programmable thermostat.
  • Se your thermostat to a warmer temperature for the hours that you are away at work, having it start to cool your home in the hour before you arrive back.
  • Don’t set your thermostat to a temperature that is lower than where you want it to be. This won’t cool your home any faster and it puts a lot of extra pressure on your air conditioning system, which causes your energy bill to rocket up and your unit to wear down more rapidly.
  • Try to set your thermostat to a temperature that is closer to the outdoor temperature. It sounds counterintuitive, but it works! This is because this actually slows the flow of heat into your home, saving energy and making it cooler. If your system includes a dehumidifier, this helps even more as less humidity in the home makes it feel cooler and more comfortable even if the temperature isn’t too different from the outdoor environment.
  • Install your thermostat correctly. The location of your thermostat is very important, as this can trigger inaccurate temperature or “ghost” readings as well as unnecessary air conditioning system or HVAC system cycling. It should be on an interior wall, out of direct sunlight (from windows as well as skylights) and drafts, with no furniture blocking it.
Air Conditioner Installation and Parts from HVAC System Specialists in NJ 
At Crosstown Plumbing Supply, we have a wide range of high-efficiency central air systems, condensers, dehumidifiers and ductless air conditioners that offer exceptional temperature control and air quality while using minimal energy. We also have all the parts you’ll need for maintaining or repairing your air conditioning system. Customers can also benefit from our 3.5% NJ sales tax! As plumbing supply specialists, we can also recommend air conditioning and HVAC companies to assist you with your repairs.
For more information on our air conditioners and HVAC system solutions, as well as to have any of your cooling system air questions answered, please visit our website at http://crosstownplumbing.com/ or contact us today.