With summer quickly approaching, you might be dreading your expensive air conditioning bill. While many of us enjoy the warmer temperatures, during the hottest July and August days it can be unbearable if you don’t have air conditioning that works well. Not to mention, if you keep your AC running all day into the night, the costs can quickly get out of control. That being said, there are four solid ways you can save on air conditioning costs this summer.
Fix any leaks
While larger leaks may be obvious, smaller leaks can easily go undetected. The most common places you’ll find leaks are window frames, door frames, plumbing vents, unsealed electrical outlets, and recessed lighting. Ask your HVAC technician to check your property for leaks before the warm weather kicks in.
Schedule regular air conditioning system maintenance
As with many unpleasant issues in life, prevention is the best approach – and the same is true for your air conditioning system. We recommend scheduling routine maintenance with your HVAC technician, so they can identify and fix any small issues before they become big, expensive problems.
Close all your windows
When your AC system is turned on, ensure all of your windows are closed. This might seem like common sense, but many of us leave a bathroom window cracked while we shower then never go back to close it, or we’ll leave several windows ajar on a nice day. When the air conditioning is on, all windows should be closed.
Throw shade around the house
If you have space around your property, you should plant leafy species of trees around the perimeter of your building. Trees are an excellent way to keep your home cooler during the hot summer months. The more shade cover you have, the less you’ll need to use your AC.
Central air conditioning systems at Crosstown Plumbing NJ
At Crosstown Plumbing, we’re proud to stock a market-leading central air system. We can also refer you to local technicians who can install, maintain, and repair it for you, ensuring you keep cool while it’s hot outside.
If you’d like to speak with us about keeping your air conditioning costs down this summer, or if you have any questions about our wholesale plumbing inventory, please visit our website.
Originally published at: https://www.crosstownplumbing.com/4-ways-to-save-on-air-conditioning-costs/